Hotel services included in the price
Free Wi-Fi Internet connection on the territory of the hotel
Gym (round-the-clock)
Working area
Pillow menu
Call for a taxi and an ambulance
Informing about hotel services and entertainment in the city
Wake up call
Shoe-cleaners (on every floor)
Devices for garment and shoe care (in every room)
Hot & cold water dispenser (on every floor)
A bottle of drinking water 0,5 l. (one for a person once a day)
Dinner ware to a room on request
Independent hot water tank
Concierge services
Change of linen 1 time in 2 days in the Superior rooms
Evening service in the rooms
Docking station for IPhone, Android
Press in the lobby-bar and in the rooms
Tickets booking
Registration of foreign citizens
Services that can be included in the room price or paid separately
Lobby-bar products
Restaurant food (round-the-clock)
Mini-bar products (Attention! This cannot be included into accommodation invoice)
Conference services
Printer use
Room Service
Round-the-clock laundry
DLD and ILD in every room
Airport transfer service
(minimum 600 rub.)